
作者: 时间:2019/12/27 点击数:

姓名:王勇            性别:男      出生年月:1979年11月

籍贯:山西平陆     民族:汉      政治面貌:中共党员

学历:博士研究生     毕业院校:中国科学院

职称:教授/博士研究生导师     职务:学院党委书记

E-mail: wangyongsll@163.com    QQ:54208804




2009/09-2012/07,中国科学院研究生院 金属研究所,材料科学与工程专业,工学博士




2018/09- ,东北石油大学,美高梅官网,教授

2015/06-2016/06,英国 曼彻斯特大学材料系 腐蚀防护中心,访问学者

2013/12-2016/06 ,同济大学,材料科学与工程博士后流动站,博士后

2012/09-2018/08 ,东北石油大学,美高梅官网,副教授



主持国家自然科学基金2项、省重点研发项目1项、省自然科学基金3项、中国博士后科学基金1项、省博士后科研启动金1项等省部级以上科研项目,参加国家科技重大专项、国家科技支撑计划及中石油、中石化企业攻关项目20多项。近年来以第一/通讯作者在Corrosion Science、Journal of Power Sources、Materials Characterization、Journal of Materials Research and Technology、Surface & Coating Technology、金属学报、中国有色金属学报等国内外期刊发表SCI/EI检索50多篇,SCI top期刊18篇,授权国家发明专利6件,出版《非晶纳米晶涂层制备与腐蚀》学术专著1部。担任《International Journal of Electrochemical Science》(SCI期刊)编委、《化工机械》期刊编委。获黑龙江省科技进步二等奖1项、黑龙江省高校科技进步一等奖1项、中国腐蚀与防护学会优秀论文奖2项等。





(2)非晶纳米晶涂层夹杂相局域溶解及多尺度微纳结构调控的耐蚀机制,国家自然科学基金,面上项目,2020-2023, 负责人












(1) Y.Wang,Y.G.Zheng,W.Ke,W.H.Sun,W.L.Hou,X.C.Chang,J.Q.Wang,Slurry erosion-corrosion behaviour of high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) sprayed Fe-based amorphous metallic coatings for marine pump in sand-containing NaCl solutions,Corrosion Science,2011,53(10):3177-3185(SCI top期刊,一区)

(2) Y.Wang,S.L. Jiang,Y.G. Zheng,W. Ke,W.H. Sun,J.Q. Wang,Effect of porosity sealing treatments on the corrosion resistance of high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) -sprayed Fe-based amorphous metallic coatings,Surface & Coating Technology,2011,206(6):1307-1318 (SCI top期刊,二区)

(3) Y.Wang,S.L. Jiang,Y.G. Zheng,W. Ke,W.H. Sun,J.Q. Wang,Electrochemical behaviour of Fe-based metallic glasses in acidic and neutral solutions,Corrosion Science,2012,63(10):159–173 (SCI top期刊,一区)

(4) Y.Wang,Y.G.Zheng,W.Ke,W.H.Sun,J.Q.Wang,Corrosion of high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) sprayed iron-based amorphous metallic coatings for marine pump in sodium chloride solutions,Materials and Corrosion,2012,63(8):685–694 (SCI)


(6) Y.Wang,S.L.Jiang,Y.G.Zheng,W.Ke,W.H.Sun,X.C.Chang,W.L.Hou,J.Q.Wang, Effect of processing parameters on the microstructures and corrosion behaviour of high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) sprayed Fe-based amorphous metallic coatings,Materials and Corrosion,2013,64(9):801-810(SCI)

(7)Y.Wang,S.L. Jiang,Y.G. Zheng,W. Ke,W.H. Sun,J.Q. Wang,Effect of molybdenum, manganese and tungsten contents on the corrosion behavior and hardness of iron-based metallic glasses,Materials and Corrosion,2014, 65(7):733-741(SCI)

(8)王勇,郑玉贵,王建强,李美玲,沈 军。铁基非晶涂层在NaCl和H2SO4溶液中的钝化行为研究。金属学报,2015,51(1):49-56 (SCI)

(9)王勇,张正江,张旭昀,孙振旭。基于第一性原理的Cr13钢掺杂稀土Ce组织及CO2腐蚀行为研究,中国有色金属学报,2015,25(7): 1858-1866 (EI)

(10)Y.Wang, Z.Z.Xing, Q.Luo, A.Rahman, J.Jiao, S.J.Qu, Y.G.Zheng, J.Shen. Corrosion and erosion–corrosion behaviour of activated combustion high-velocity air fuel sprayed Fe-based amorphous coatings in chloride-containing solutions, Corrosion Science, 2015, 98 (9) : 339–353(SCI top期刊,一区)

(11)Y.Wang,  K.Y. Li,  F. Scenini,  J.Jiao,  S.J.Qu,  Q.Luo , J. Shen, The effect of residual stress on the electrochemical corrosion behavior of Fe-based amorphous coatings in chloride-containing solutions, Surface & Coating Technology,2016,302(9): 27-38 (SCI top期刊,二区)

(12) 张旭昀,郑冰洁,郭 斌,吴 戆,王文泉,王勇*。高氮奥氏体不锈钢中N与Cr、Mn、Mo键合性质研究。材料导报,2017,31(9):146-149 (EI)

(13) 孙丽丽,王尊策,王勇*。AC-HVAF非晶和金属陶瓷涂层在压裂液中空蚀行为研究。材料导报,2017,31(16):89-93, 116  (EI)


(15)X.Y. Zhang, Q.X. Kang, Y.Wang*。Theoretical study of N-thiazolyl-2-cyanoacetamide derivatives as corrosion inhibitor for aluminum in alkaline environments。Computational and Theoretical Chemistry,2018,1131 (5) 25–32 (SCI)

(16)D.D. Liang, X.S. Wei, Y.Wang*, H.R. Jiang, J. Shen. Electrochemical behaviors and passive film properties of Fe-based bulk metallic glass in Cl--containing acetic acid solutions under high temperature. Journal of Alloys and Compounds ,2018,766 (10) :964-972(SCI top期刊,二区)

(17)Y.Wang,  M.Y. Li,  L.L.Sun,  X.Y.Zhang,  J. Shen* . Environmentally assisted fracture behavior of Fe-based amorphous coatings in chloride-containing solutions. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018,738(3):37-48(SCI top期刊,二区)


(19)Q.X. Kang, Y.Wang*, X.Y. Zhang*。Experimental and theoretical investigation on calcium oxide and L-aspartic as an effective hybrid inhibitor for aluminum-air batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2019,774(2):1069-1080(SCI top期刊,二区)

(20) L.L.Sun, M.H.Gao,Y.Wang*, X.Y. Zhang*. Effects of heat treatments on the corrosion behavior of 13Cr stainless steels in chloride solutions containing carbon dioxide. Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces,2019,55(1):157-165(SCI)

(21) Q.X. Kang, T.Y. Zhang, X. Wang,Y.Wang*, X.Y. Zhang*. Effect of cerium acetate and L-glutamic acid as hybrid electrolyte additives on the performance of Al-air battery. Journal of Power Sources 443 (2019) 227251(SCI top期刊,一区)

(22) Y.Wang,M.Y.Li, F.Zhu, W.T.Dong,X.Y.Zhang, L.L.Sun*. Pitting corrosion mechanism of Cl−- and S2−-induced by oxide inclusions in Fe-based amorphous metallic coatings, Surface & Coating Technology,2020 ,385(3):125449(SCI top期刊,一区)

(23) 王勇,李明宇,孙丽丽*,毕凤琴,张旭昀。FeCrNiCo(CuMn)高熵合金组织及腐蚀性能影响研究。中国有色金属学报,2020,30(1):94-102(EI)

(24) Y.Wang, C.M.Wu, W.Li *, H.Y.Li, Y.C.Li, X.Y.Zhang , L.L.Sun *. Effect of bionic hydrophobic structures on the corrosion performance of Fe-based amorphous metallic coatings. Surface & Coating Technology, 2021, 416(6):127176(SCI top期刊,二区)

(25) 孙丽丽,陈良源,王勇*,张旭昀,徐德奎。Zn-Cu-Ti合金成分与组织影响机械及腐蚀性能研究进展, 材料导报,2021,35(3):03152-03158(EI)

(26) Y.X.Liu, J.W.Li*, Y.Sun, A.He, Y.Q.Dong, Y.Wang*. Effect of annealing temperature on magnetic properties and corrosion resistance of Fe75.8Si12B8Nb2.6Cu0.6P1 alloy. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2021,15(11-12):3880-3894(SCI top期刊,二区)

(27) X.T.Xu, H.W.Xu, W.Li, Y.Wang*, X.Y.Zhang*. A combined quantum chemical, molcular dynamics and Monto Carlo study of three amino acids as corroison inhibitors for aluminum in NaCl solution. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 345:117010(SCI top期刊,二区)

(28) X.T.Xu, H.W.Xu, Y.F.Cui, W.Li, Y.Wang*, X.Y.Zhang*.Molecular dynamics study of three amino Acids as corrosion inhibitor for copper in hydrochloric acid Solution. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2022, 28:55(SCI)

(29) Y.C.Li, W.W.Zhang, Y.Wang* , X.Y.Zhang, L.L.Sun*. Effect of spray powder particle size on the bionic hydrophobic structures and corrosion performance of Fe-based amorphous metallic coatings. Surface & Coating Technology, 2022,437:128377(SCI top期刊,一区)

(30) A.B. Shi, X.Y.Zhang*, S.R.Wang, Y.Wang*, Y.C.Li. Influence of rare earth Samarium/Ytterbium salt on electrochemical corrosion behavior of aluminum-based anode for batteries. Metals,2022,12,1280(SCI,三区)

(31) Y.C.Li, W.J.Zhu, Y.H.Qik Y.Wang*. Optimizing microstructure and mechanical properties of NiAl-9Mo alloy by Zr addition and suction casting process.  Kovove Meterialy-Metallic Materials, 2022,60:403-409 (SCI)

(32) S.T.Zhang, F.Q.Be, T.Wu, Y.Wang*, Z.Q.Que, L.T.Chang*. Microstructural investigation of the effect of hot-isostatic-pressing treatment on a laser powder bed fused type 316L stainless steel. Materials Characterization, 2023, 197:112716 (SCI top期刊,一区)

(33) S.P. Qin , Y.Wang* , Y.C. Li* , W.W.Zhang, B.Yao, X.Y. Zhang. Graphene-loaded and Mn-doped SrCoO3 perovskite oxide as a cathode catalyst for aluminum–air battery. Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2023,24:4379-4389 (SCI top期刊,一区)

(34) 王勇,张微微,李永存,张旭昀,孙丽丽*。第一性原理计算在电化学腐蚀中的应用研究进展。材料导报,2023,37(12):21110046 (EI)

(35) Haoran Ma, Wenquan Wang, Yanxin Liu, Xiahe Liu*, Aina He, Yaqiang Dong, Yong Wang*, Jiawei Li*. Nitrogen-induced optimization of corrosion resistance for nanocrystalline soft magnetic Fe-Zr-B alloys. Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2024,186:15-27 (SCI top期刊,二区)

(36)X.X.Li, Y.Wang*, Y.C.Li*, Y.Liang. Durable bifunctional electrocatalyst for cathode of zinc-air battery: surface pre-reconstruction of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 perovskite by iron ions. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024, 976:173398 (SCI top期刊,二区)

(37)Y.Z.Shen, Y.Wang*, Y.C.Li*, Y.Liang. Effects of flocculant and corrosion inhibitor compounding on the electrochemical corrosion behavior of the anode in Al-air batteries. International Journal of Electrochemical Science,2024,19(2):100458 (SCI)

(38)Y.C.Li, W.J.Zhu,J.J.Zhou,C.R.Mao,Y.Wang*,S.Gao*. Wear behavior of MIG manufactured 12Cr-xC (x=0.3, 0.4) hardfacings under different temperatures and loads. Wear, 2024, 542-543:205246 (SCI top期刊,一区)

(39)Z.L.Ju,X.Y.Zhang*, Y.Wang*, Y.Liang, F.Y.Yu, Y.Liu. Study on ORR reaction of B-doped graphene supported Co atoms with different defects. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2024, 1233: 114506(SCI,三区)

(40) 王勇,孙天昊,李永存,孙丽丽*,贾鑫,张旭昀. 高压下NbMoTaWV难熔高熵合金结构和力学性能第一性原理研究. 材料导报,2024(EI)

(41) W.J. Zhu, Y.Wang, J.J. Zhou, C.R. Mao, Y.C. Li*, S.Gao*. Bonding strength of 12Cr-0.4C/low carbon steel (LCS) weld joint after solid solution heat treatment. JOM, 2024,4 SCI, T1期刊

(42)W.W. Zhang , Y. Wang*, Y.C. Li, X.Y. Zhang. Investigation into electrochemical catalytic properties and electronic structure of Mn doped SrCoO3 perovskite catalysts. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2024,4 (SCI,三区)

(43) W.W. Zhang , Y. Wang*, Y.C. Li*, X.Y. Zhang. First-principles insight into the electronic structure, hydration ability and proton conduction of Gd and Y co-doped BaZrO3 proton conductors. Ceramics International, 2024, 50: 31461-31473 (SCI top期刊,二区)

(44) Guangci Li,Hang Dong,Sheng Gao,Xiaoying Li,Yongcun Li*,,Wenjun Zhu,Yong Wang*. Transition in Tensile Deformation Behavior of Fe-Cr-C/Low-Carbon Steel Wire Arc Additive Manufactured Joint Before and After Solid Solution Heat Treatment. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2024,8 (SCI)

(45) Zeliang Ju,Xuyun Zhang*,Yong Wang*,Qingxin Kang*,Yan Liang,Fuyao Yu. Axial ligand engineering enhanced CoN4-based catalysts as efficient electrocatalysts for ORR/OER with low overpotentials: A DFT study. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2024,702(12):135001 (SCI, 二区)

(46) Zeliang Ju, Xiujuan Tan, Xuyun Zhang*, Yong Wang*, Chengfeng Yin, Qingxin Kang*. Unveiling the synergistic mechanism of Co-Cu catalysts for efficient oxygen evolution reactions. Materials Letters 2025, (379)1 137659 (SCI)

(47) Zhiwei Wang, Yongcun Li*, Hang Dong, Yong Wang*. Achieving considerable wear resistance in new Ti-based high-entropy alloys through microstructural hardening by adding Nb. Tribology International, 2025, 202(2):110379.(SCI top期刊,一区)






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